Nee Pada Dhuli Mp3 Song Download Pagalworld

Listen to all songs of Ritesh G Rao,Shruthika Samudhrala online. Nee Pada Dhuli is a song by Ritesh G Rao,Shruthika Samudhrala from the album Telugu Mp3 Songs. The song's lyrics were written by Suddala Ashok Teja and the music was composed by Anirudh Ravichander.

Nee Pada Dhuli

Uploaded by @PagalHits

Nee Pada Dhuli - Ritesh G Rao,Shruthika Samudhrala

File Name: Nee Pada Dhuli

Duration: 04:12 Min

Added On: 01, Aug 2024

Artist: Ritesh G Rao, Shruthika Samudhrala,

Lyric: Suddala Ashok Teja

Music: Anirudh Ravichander

Category: Telugu Mp3 Songs

Download: 1654+